التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠١٣

Amman #1 (down town)

لقطات من وسط البلد Faces from the same area, each one of them carries an endless story ..  وجوه من وسط البلد.. وراء كل منها حكاية لا تنتهي... 

Jordanian faces #2

وجوه من وسط البلد - عمان 

Shy Sun.

Jordanian Faces :')) #1

Life ...

Ray of hope.

Al-Zarqa #3

Hello Guys, So This is my third and last post in Al-Zarqa city, It was very pleasant experience and seeing people's reaction towards the camera was so funny. I hope I will be able to visit more Jordanian cities and share with you a closer look to our lives here in the near future.  From the last few posts you might notice how simple people are, they find happiness in the simplest things, wither its playing in the streets or getting some snacks or even smiling to cameras.  Zarqa like any other city in Jordan is also built from a solid community base, regardless of the religion.   :)) For the more sites of the city : CHECK THIS & CHECK THIS .  The first picture represents some boiled  broad beans with some lemon, It's originally an Egyptian snack, it's pretty popular around here too. people enjoy eating it while they wander in the markets.  You only eat the pulp and leave the peel. مرحبا أعزائي..  سيكون هذا منشوري الثالث و الاخير عن مدينة ا